Organization Profile
Delaware Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (DEVOAD) Delaware Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (DEVOAD) is the state counterpart to, and a member in good standing of, the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD). DEVOAD is an autonomous organization with all the rights afforded thereto; however, as a member of the National VOAD it recognizes and complies with the policies and practices set forth in the membership agreement and policy documents of the National VOAD. DEVOAD's mission is to bring together voluntary organizations in order to foster more effective and efficient services to the people of Delaware affected by disaster. The primary functions include: communication, coordination, collaboration and cooperation (4C's). Member organizations include American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Team Rubicon, Opn BBQ Relief, Lutheran Disaster Services, UMCORR, Baptist Convention MD/DE (BCDE), Adventist Disaster Services (ADS), and others.