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Organization Profile

Delaware Seashore Preservation Foundation


A nonprofit organization formed in 1997, the Delaware Seashore Preservation Foundationys main objective was to restore the Indian River Life Saving Station. After that that mission was successfully accomplished, a new board was formed and it formally recognized on July 10, 2004 that its mission is to preserve, protect and enhance not only the Indian River Life Saving Station, but in addition all of the Parks within the Delaware Seashore State Park Region including the Indian River Marina, Delaware Seashore, Fenwick Island and Holts Landing State Parks.

Arts & Culture, Children & Youth Education, Civic & Community, Environment, Schools, Senior Services, Sports & Recreation, Other
Families, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, Low-income Communities, LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender)
Ocean View, DE, 19970

Common Messages