Organization Profile
St. John the Baptist/Holy Angels Catholic Parish
http://www.stjohn-holyangels.comSt. John/Holy Angels Parish Mission Statement The Faith Community of St. John/Holy Angels Parish believes that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to celebrate God's abiding presence among us. We believe that Sacramental Worship is the source and summit of our Christian life, and that worshipping Jesus in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is our highest calling. We believe that God's creation is sacred and beautiful. We accept the responsibility to be stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, especially the gift of life itself. We believe that, as brothers and sisters of Christ, we are called to live in peace. It is our responsibility to work for peace by seeking justice for all people. We believe that we are called to proclaim the Gospel, by word and example, to the faithful, to those who have given up active participation in the Catholic Church, to those who have no church community, and to those who are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. The fulfillment of this mission is challenged by the geographic distance we encompass, our large and ever-increasing membership and the diversity of needs among us. Through the grace of God, may we be strengthened to fulfill this mission.